
Flexible, lightweight, durable, and eco-friendly liquid packaging solutions.


Bags, boxes, and accessories in a range of sizes and configurations.


Hand-filling stands to high-speed machines and everything in between.


Everything you need to get the most from your flexible packaging inventory.

Product Development

Custom flexible packaging solutions to promote and protect your products.

Custom Printing

Full-color pouch printing to showcase your product and billboard your brand.


High-quality, affordable, and dependable filling equipment and services.

Wine & Spirits

Earth-friendly packaging that helps beverages cool faster and stay fresher longer.


Flexible growlers that fill faster, store smarter, and cost less than glass.

Cold Brew Coffee

Sustainable packaging that provides the highest coffee-to-packaging ratio. 


Innovative packaging to protect and preserve foods and condiments.


Eco-friendly packaging for sodas, seltzers, juices, cocktails, and more.


Cost- and space-saving packaging for industrial cleaners and household chemicals.

Portable Wine For Your Next Adventure

You plan to ski to a remote hut, climb to a panoramic vista, or paddle to a pristine shoreline. Wouldn’t it be nice to take along some wine and toast the achievement or sip slowly as you savor the surroundings? Previously that meant carrying heavy glass bottles both ways. No more – Glenora Wine Cellars has introduced wine in the AstraPouch to the US market.

The AstraPouch contains the equivalent of two bottles of wine in a lightweight, recyclable, collapsible container – perfect for those of us who enjoy adventure but still savor the taste of wine.

Both Trestle Creek Riesling and Trestle Creek Chardonnay now come in the AstraPouch. They can be ordered on-line or find them at area liquor stores.

Click here to watch a video of AstraPouches being filled at Glenora Wine Cellars.

Not convinced yet? Replacing heavy glass bottles and bulky bag in box packaging, the light weight AstraPouch is a durable, convenient and eco-friendly way to bring wine and spirits to the consumer market. Here are the facts:

  • – The filled AstraPouch is 98 percent wine and only 2 percent packaging by weight
  • – The 1.5L AstraPouch has an 80% lower carbon footprint than two bottles of wine
  • – 1 truck load of empty AstraPouch equals 14 truck loads of empty glass bottles
  • – Chills fast, 14 minutes in the AstraPouch versus 40 minutes in a glass, using less energy
  • – Resealable and stays fresh for up to one month after opening
  • – No cork waste
  • – Avoids the “no glass at beach” rule

By Sue Freeman

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